January through April is posted. I will be away and taking a much needed break from January 7 to January 14 2024. Start Times Mon: 12pm, 1.45pm, 4pm, 5.45pm, (7.30pm 60m only) Tue: 12pm, 1.45pm, 4pm, 5.45pm Wed: 12pm, 1.45pm, 4pm, 5.45pm, (7.30pm 60m only) Thu: 1.45pm, 4pm, 5.45pm (7.30pm 60m only) Fri: 10am, 1.45pm, 4pm, 545pm Sat: 9.45am, 11.45am, 1.15pm When you select date and time, the app will only show you available appointments that are left for the duration (i.e. 60m or 90m) you selected.

If you are unable to book online, the best way to reach me is by email: a.hovlandrmt@gmail.com

The second best way is to text and leave a message with your information (full name, email, phone) at 2042700110. You may also call and leave a voicemail, with your full name and phone number and I will return your call.


Enter your email address and password to access your account.